Sunday 8 March 2015

Feedback from Rough Cut 1


After revealing the first Rough Cut to the teacher and received feedback for it there were a few major problems with the actual cut. The first problem encountered was not the quality of the footage we'd produced but the actual contents of the footage which aren't relevant to what our presentation on our production proposed had to be changed. It was too simple and stale. The exact opposite of what we were aiming to produce. 'It's just him walking to College.'

Mary also commented on the music and how she felt like the music didn't really fit the theme we were trying to bring across. The theme we were trying to portray was a lighthearted success story. However, it come more across as a dark and heavy theme because of the selected music.

Our original title of the film was 'A Lonely Dream'. The word 'lonely' has rather negative connotations; depression, sad, isolation, black et cetera. This also put emphasis on the 'dark' music we had wrongfully chosen.

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